Our Story
If you're like me, you sometimes feel like you're on the outside looking in. You see things differently than others.
Change seems to follow you around like an adoring kid brother, whether you want it to or not. You can't help but see how things could be different, better. You know change is difficult, but you seem to be willing to pay the price for a better future when others only want to hold on to the status quo.
You're curious, and you often start sentences with the words, "What if ..." What if Christians took Jesus at his word? What if we were willing to sell all we have and give the money to the poor? What if we loved our neighbors, and our enemies, with Christ's sacrificial love? What if we had the boldness and the meekness to share the gospel like the apostles did? What if we could change? That's what you are: a change-maker.
Intersekt was formed to help change-makers join God's mission in the world. It's hard to be the voice of dissatisfaction, the one constantly calling for revolution. (At least it feels like revolution to those around us.) We want to see your ideas realized. The world needs you, your vision, and your energy. We can help you turn vision into action and action into transformation.
It starts by living at the intersection of God's Word and our world. It continues by taking steps of faith every day. It doesn't end until our communities are transformed by God's grace.
Change comes from the edges.
Mark Twain

Your partner on the journey,
John Barcanic
Founding Director, Intersekt